Tornado Cluster Archives - OKC Shelters

2501 SW 15th Street, Suite C

Oklahoma City, OK 73108

OKC Storm and Tornado shelter experts.



    The Rise of the Tornado Cluster!

    What exactly is a tornado cluster? Tornado clusters are sudden outbursts of twisters that can occur over several days. These outbreaks happen more frequently and with more tornadoes involved in each occurrence. It is considered an outbreak when six or more EF-1 tornadoes begin within 6 hours of each other, despite their proximity. During a[...]

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OKC Storm and Tornado shelter experts.
            OKC Storm and Tornado shelter experts.
                                          OKC Storm and Tornado shelter experts.
                                                              OKC Storm and Tornado shelter experts.
                                                                                  OKC Storm and Tornado shelter experts.