There is nothing more important than staying informed during a severe weather situation. But what happens when your electricity goes out? Or you must take sanctuary in your storm shelter? This is when a weather radio becomes a ‘must have’ tool. It provides a critical link to the outside world, and keeps you up to date on possible dangerous situations.

But what exactly is a weather radio and how does it differ from a normal radio?

A true weather radio is serviced by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and issues updates on current or upcoming weather events and other emergencies. Alerts such as natural disasters, earthquakes, hurricanes and other public service emergencies are a comprehensive part of the NWR alert system. In conjunction with the Federal Communication Commission’s (FCC) Emergency Alert System, NWR is an “all hazards” radio network, allowing it to be a comprehensive source for weather and emergency information.

Weather radios can’t be picked up on normal AM/FM transmissions because they operate on their own set of VHF frequencies. Certain weather radios have a Specific Alert Message Encoding (SAME) that will break through normal radio broadcasts to issue an alarm. Special features also allow you to specify your location for more accurate broadcasts. Weather ‘alert’ radios have the ability to remain silent until a programmed alert is issued.

While most weather radios can be powered by electricity, they do have a backup battery system. Therefore, batteries should always be in your emergency kit. Another popular feature, is the hand-crank generator. This allows the radio to stay powered in case of electrical or battery failure.

While radios may seem old fashioned, a true weather radio is a critical tool for possible emergencies. Inexpensive, small and portable, a weather radio can be your best friend. And yes, it can save your life!